
CFP Sphera Publica, n24, vol.I, (July 2024)


CFP Sphera Publica, n24, vol. I (July 2024)

Scientific journal of faculty of Social Sciences and Communication. Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) /

Sphera Publica is a multidisciplinary open access journal, with double blind review and an international scientific committee.

Although it is a miscellaneous issue that will be published in July 2024, it also welcomes the following topics with special interest:


1 - Ethical and humanistic implications of generative AI in the Social Sciences

2 - Media literacies for groups at risk of exclusion and minorities

3 - Solutions journalism


Sphera Publica is indexed in: Catalog 2.0 of Latindex, PlatCom, Dialnet, Carhus+ (D) and MIAR.

Authors info: Información para autores.

Deadline full paper: June 16, 2024 

Publication: July 2024

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Read more about CFP Sphera Publica, n24, vol.I, (July 2024)

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 23 (2023): Sphera Publica: Clear communication and the right to understand
View All Issues

ISSN: 2695-5725