Education in philosophy, ethics and critical competence in the face of inappropriate use of artificial intelligence and new technologies


  • Montserrat Jurado Martín Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche


Cortocircuitos reflexivos en comunicación presents a critique of the current state of communication and makes clear the imbalance between society and the media. Its authors call for an urgent need for citizen training in media routines in order to mature critical thinking and to know the rules of the media game. The introduction points out the intention of this book as teaching material for teachers and, beyond that, as a document for transferring it to society from the university environment. In short, the pedagogical objective permeates all its pages from the beginning.

The publication presents a set of essays that invite reflection and draw a bridge between two issues that are at the heart of the current crisis in journalism. On the one hand, the proposals originating in the scientific literature on disinformation and the need to work on this and critical competence in the training of future journalism and communication professionals (Portugal and Aguaded, 2020) (Jurado, 2023). On the other side of the bridge, artificial intelligence and its uses in the professional field of the media (Peña et al., 2023) as well as the need for training adapted to this context (López, Ruiz, and Mazza, 2022).

Author Biography

Montserrat Jurado Martín, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

Ayudante Doctor (acreditada ocntratado Doctor)

Departamento Ciudad Sociales y Humanas

Facultad Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas de Elche



How to Cite

Jurado Martín, M. (2024). Education in philosophy, ethics and critical competence in the face of inappropriate use of artificial intelligence and new technologies. Sphera Publica, 1(24). Retrieved from