How new media are changing opera: the opera singers’ social image transformed by cinema and audio-visual media


  • Isabel Villanueva Benito Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
  • Jaume Radigales Babi Universitat Ramon Llull

Palabras clave:

Mediatization, Performing Arts, Opera, Communication, Culture


Immersed today in a complex process of building customer loyalty and attracting new audiences, the opera industry is using media to expand its horizons beyond theatres. And what makes this possible is opera's visual nature and its universal language. Opera can be seen in various formats: opera in theatres, filmed operas, lyrical video clips, opera on TV, cyber opera etc. Set against the constant audio-visual interventionism and the new demands of consumers who are increasingly reliant on the media, it is necessary to reflect on the profound aesthetic and artistic transformation of the figure of the opera singer.

Considering historical, sociological and artistic perspectives, this paper analyses the new face of the celebrated opera singers offered by the media, in order to clarify some questions: How have the media historically conceived the figure of the opera singer? What changes might the opera singer’s image have suffered after the audio-visual boom of the digital age? What transformations is the opera star system going through today driven by consumption of new media?

Biografía del autor/a

Isabel Villanueva Benito, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)


Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


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Cómo citar

Benito, I. V., & Babi, J. R. (2014). How new media are changing opera: the opera singers’ social image transformed by cinema and audio-visual media. Sphera Publica, 1(14), 3–22. Recuperado a partir de




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